Version 12 February 2024

Prior notice

These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to the following three types of users depending on the data entry channel:

1. Guest users: They may enter data using the contact channel for applications to the Website owner at, whereby the processing of their data is restricted to the following Privacy Policy for INFORMATION PETITIONERS.

2. Registered users: There are two types of registered users:

a. CANDIDATE users who publish their data and/or professional information or CVs or who simply wish to receive various offers (about jobs, training and events) via email: Essentially, they may enter their data using the following means, whereby they may arrange their purpose in line with the following groups and the processing of their data is restricted to the following Privacy Policy for CANDIDATES:

i. To request that offers be sent via email.

ii. To register for an offer or request information about it.

iii. To register on this website (which includes being able to configure your personal area to enable your data to be assigned to various categories of third parties).

iv. To make use of our job simulation and receive assessment data based on the performance on the simulated tasks.

v. To also receive information about developments, promotions and offers (jobs, training opportunities or events) even via electronic means.

b. COMPANY users who publish job offers, training opportunities or events: Essentially, they may enter their data using the following means, whereby they may arrange their purpose in line with the following groups and the processing of their data is restricted to the following Privacy Policy for COMPANIES:

i. To register on this website (which includes being able to configure your personal area to enable your data to be assigned to third parties).

ii. To make a payment to publish offers and be able to conduct searches in the database for CANDIDATES in order to select said CANDIDATES.

iii. To receive personalized data insights and recommendations related to the company’s talent requirements.

iv. To also receive information about developments, promotions and offers from third parties (jobs, training opportunities or events) even via electronic means.


  • Company name: Aqui Para Ti (hereinafter "ParaTi", “Para Ti” or the "Controller")
  • DPO E-mail:



In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Organic Law 3/2018 on Data Protection, as well as current regulations, by accepting this Privacy Policy, the user (hereinafter, the "Candidate") gives his or her informed, express, free and unequivocal consent for the personal data he or she provides by browsing the ParaTi website (hereinafter the "Website"), as well as any other data that may be provided in the future during a selection process, will be processed by ParaTi in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy for Candidates.


The Candidate must read this Privacy Policy carefully, which has been written in a clear and simple manner, to facilitate its understanding and allow him/her to determine, freely and voluntarily, if you wish to provide your personal data to ParaTi.



The data requested in the forms available on the Website are, in general and unless otherwise specified in the specific field, necessary for ParaTi to be able to fulfill the purposes for which they are being collected.


Therefore, in case these data are not provided or are provided incorrectly, the Candidate's application cannot be processed.


In case you provide us with third party data, you declare that you have the consent of the third party and you undertake to transfer the information contained in this Privacy Policy for Candidates to the third party, exempting us from any responsibility in this regard.



The personal data we process through the ParaTi Website will be used for the following purposes:


  1. Manage the registration of the Candidate to job offers or request information about them.
  2. Management of the registration in the ParaTi portal as a Candidate, as well as the configuration of your data in the personal area. The evaluation of the capacity of the Candidate may involve the creation of a profile which will include data provided by the Candidate and those others that may be provided in the future, in the event of entering a selection process. ParaTi may contact the Candidate through the channels provided by him/her in order to obtain more information.
  3. Management of the job simulation within the portal. Including the creation of a profile, evaluation and contact. As well as the exchange of necessary information with the tech provider of the job simulation, TaTiO.
  4. Manage and attend to the requests or suggestions of the user that you send us through the contact means of the "Contact" form.
  5. Management and forwarding of commercial communications related to information on news, promotions and offers from third parties (on employment, training or events), by electronic means.
  6. Attendance at possible events for the selection of candidates.
  7. Conducting quality and satisfaction surveys to carry out an assessment of the candidate's experience with the option of participating in a competition.
  8. Analysis and processing of candidate job demands and requirements data facilitated by candidates.


Under no circumstances will automated decisions be taken that could affect the fate of the application submitted.



The processing of the Candidate's data by ParaTi is legitimated by the consent requested, which can be withdrawn at any time, and by the legitimate interest. In particular, ParaTi process the data with the following legitimizing bases:

  1. Manage the registration of the Candidate to offers or request information about them: The processing of data derived from this purpose is the consent of the Candidate given at the time of providing their personal data, after reading and accepting this Privacy Policy for Candidates, which may be withdrawn at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing done so far.
  2. Management of registration in the ParaTi portal as a Candidate: The processing of data derived from this purpose is the consent of the Candidate given at the time of providing his or her personal data, after reading and accepting this Privacy Policy for Candidates, which he or she may withdraw at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that moment.
  3. Management of the job simulation within the portal: The processing of data derived from this purpose is the consent of the Candidate given at the time of providing his or her personal data, after reading and accepting this Privacy Policy for Candidates, which he or she may withdraw at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that moment.
  4. To manage and attend to the requests or suggestions of the user that you send us through the contact means of the "Contact" form: The data processing derived from this purpose is the consent, which the Candidate may withdraw at any time. In case the User withdraws the consent, the consultation or question raised cannot be processed.
  5. Management and sending of commercial communications related to information about news, promotions and offers from third parties (about employment, training or events), by electronic means: The processing of data derived from this purpose is the legitimate interest recognized to the person in charge of the processing ParaTi when he is registered as a Candidate, to which he can object at any time.
  6. Attendance at possible events for the selection of candidates: The processing of data derived from this purpose is the express consent given by the Candidate through his/her attendance.
  7. Conducting surveys on quality and satisfaction: The process derived from the realization of quality and satisfaction surveys will have as a basis of legitimacy the legitimate interest, recognized by the Data Controller, ParaTi, by the regulation.
  8. Analysis and processing of candidate job demands and requirements data facilitated by candidates. The processing of data derived from this purpose is the consent of the Candidate given at the time of providing his or her personal data, after reading and accepting this Privacy Policy for Candidates, which he or she may withdraw at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that moment.


This legitimate interest is based on being able to offer Candidates the services of ParaTi with the highest quality and best possible experience.


Likewise, ParaTi informs the Candidate that the personal data provided by the interested party will be kept for a maximum period of 1 year, unless the Candidate exercises his or her right of erasure.


However, the user may withdraw his or her consent at any time, in the cases indicated, although this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out previously.



ParaTi will communicate the Candidate's data to the competent authorities (Courts, Public Administrations, etc.) in case of legal obligation.


In addition, the Candidate is informed that his or her personal data will be communicated to the entities interested in his or her candidacy, to entities of the Group for the purpose of managing the selection processes, the latter committing themselves to the processing of said personal data, solely and exclusively for the purposes indicated above in this Privacy Policy for Candidates.  

Once the Candidate has given permission to the Companies, the latter will be Controller for the subsequent processing of the data by the same, without ParaTi being responsible for more than its own limited data processing as detailed on our Website. In any case, the data that you provide directly to the Companies using the means of registration for the offers on the Website or outside of it, will be understood to have been given directly by the Candidate to the Companies and ParaTi will not be held accountable, except for what the established in our Website.

In addition, the Candidate is informed that his or her personal data will be communicated to our tech provider for the job simulation, TaTiO, with the sole purpose of providing the service of job simulation, including creation of the profile, processing and analysis of the data collected during the job simulation, and generation of the report with the assessment result.

Once the Candidate has given permission to the Companies, the latter will be Controller for the subsequent processing of the data by the same, without ParaTi being responsible for more than its own limited data processing as detailed on our Website.



As the owner of the data, the Candidate can, at any time and free of charge, send a letter to ParaTi at any of the addresses indicated in the heading of this Privacy Policy for Candidates, attaching a photocopy of his or her identity document, in order to exercise the following rights:

Right of Access:

You have the right to obtain from ParaTi confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned, the recipients to whom the personal data is disclosed, and the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, among other information.

Right of rectification and erasure:

You have the right to obtain from ParaTi the erasure of personal data concerning him or her where one of the legal grounds applies, among other reasons when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was gathered. The User also has the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her.

Right to restriction of processing, right to withdraw consent and right to object, totally or partially, to processing:

In certain circumstances (for example, in the event that the applicant refutes the inaccuracy of his or her data for as long as the accuracy is verified), ask for the restriction of the processing of his or her personal data, which will then only be processed for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

He/Her also has the right to withdraw the consent granted and to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her which is based on the legitimate interest of ParaTi. In this case, ParaTi will no longer process the personal data unless it demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing.

Right to data portability:

You will have the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from ParaTi, in the cases foreseen in the regulations to this effect.


When personal data are transferred outside the European Union, you have the right to be informed about how to access them or to obtain a copy of the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.

Likewise, you may file a complaint regarding the protection of your personal data with the Spanish Data Protection Agency at the address C/ Jorge Juan 6, 28001 - Madrid, when the interested party considers that ParaTi has violated the rights recognized by the applicable data protection regulations.



The Candidate guarantees that he/she is over eighteen (18) years old and that the data he/she provides to ParaTi is true, accurate, complete and up-to-date. To this effect, the Candidate is responsible for the veracity of all the information he or she communicates and will keep the information provided up to date in such a way that it corresponds to his or her real situation.

Likewise, it guarantees that it has informed the third parties of which it provides its data, if it does so, of the aspects contained in this document. Likewise, you guarantee that you have obtained their authorization to provide your data to ParaTi for the purposes indicated.

In any case, the Candidate will be responsible for the false or inaccurate information he or she provides through the Platform and for the damages, direct or indirect, that this causes to ParaTi or to third parties.



Finally, we inform you that ParaTi will process the Candidate's data at all times in an absolutely confidential manner and keeping the preceptive duty of secrecy with respect to the same, in compliance with the applicable regulations, adopting to this effect the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the safety of your data and to avoid its alteration, loss, unauthorized access or processing, taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risks.




In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Organic Law 3/2018 on Data Protection, as well as current regulations, by accepting this Privacy Policy, the user (hereinafter, the "Company") gives his or her informed, express, free and unequivocal consent for the personal data he or she provides by browsing the ParaTi website (hereinafter the "Website"), as well as any other data that you may provide in the future during a selection process, will be processed by ParaTi in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy for Companies.


The Company must read this Privacy Policy carefully, which has been written in a clear and simple way, to facilitate its understanding and allow you to determine, freely and voluntarily, if you wish to provide your personal data to ParaTi.




The data requested in the forms available on the Website are, in general and unless otherwise specified in the specific field, necessary for ParaTi to be able to fulfill the purposes for which they are being collected.

Therefore, in case these data are not provided or are provided incorrectly, the Company's job offer cannot be attended to.


If you provide us with data from third parties, you declare that you have their consent and undertake to transfer the information contained in this Privacy Policy for Companies to them, exempting us from any responsibility in this regard.



The personal data we process through the ParaTi Website will be used for the following purposes:


  1. Manage the publication by means of payment of offers from the Company, as well as the searches in the Candidate database for their selection.
  2. Management of the registration in the ParaTi portal as a Company, as well as the configuration of your data in the personal area.
  3. Manage and attend to the requests or suggestions of the user that you send us through the contact means of the "Contact" form.
  4. Management and forwarding of commercial communications related to information on news, promotions and offers from third parties (on employment, training or events), by electronic means.
  5. Attendance to eventual events organized by the Companies themselves for the selection of candidates.
  6. Carrying out quality and satisfaction surveys to assess the company's experience with the option of participating in a competition.



The processing of the Company's data by ParaTi is based on the fulfillment of the contractual relationship, as well as by the consent requested, which can be withdrawn at any time, and in the legitimate interest. In particular, ParaTi process the data with the following legitimizing bases:

  1. Manage the publication by means of payment of offers from the Company, as well as the searches in the Candidate database for their selection: The processing of data derived from this purpose will have as a basis of legitimacy the fulfillment of the contractual relationship.
  2. Management of registration in the ParaTi portal as a Company: The processing of data derived from this purpose is the consent of the Company given at the time of providing your personal data, after reading and accepting this Privacy Policy for Companies which you may withdraw at any time, without prejudice to the legality of the processing carried out up to that time.
  3. Manage and attend to the requests or suggestions of the user that you send us through the contact means of the "Contact" form: The data processing derived from this purpose is the consent, which the Company may withdraw at any time. In case the User withdraws the consent, the consultation or question cannot be processed.
  4. Management and sending of commercial communications related to information about news, promotions and offers from third parties (about employment, training or events), by electronic means: The processing of data derived from this purpose is the legitimate interest recognized to the person in charge of the processing ParaTi as it is registered as a Company, to which it may object at any time.
  5. Attendance at possible events for the selection of candidates: The processing of data derived from this purpose will have as a basis of legitimacy the fulfillment of the contractual relationship.
  6. Conducting surveys on quality and satisfaction: The process derived from the realization of quality and satisfaction surveys will have as a basis of legitimacy the legitimate interest, recognized by the Data Controller, ParaTi, by the regulation.


This legitimate interest is based on being able to offer Companies the services of ParaTi with the highest quality and best possible experience.


Likewise, ParaTi informs that the data provided to manage the publication by means of payment of offers from the Company, as well as attendance at events for the selection of candidates, will be kept during the contractual relationship and, once it has ended, during the period of limitation of the legal actions that may arise from it.


However, the user may withdraw his or her consent at any time, in the cases indicated, although this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out previously.



ParaTi will communicate the Company's data to the competent authorities (Courts, Public Administrations, etc.) in case of legal obligation.


In addition, the Company is informed that its personal data will be communicated to Candidates interested in its offer, to entities of the Group in order to manage the selection processes, committing them to the processing of such personal data, solely and exclusively for the purposes indicated above in this Privacy Policy for Companies.



As the owner of the data, the Company can, at any time and free of charge, send a letter to ParaTi at any of the addresses indicated in the heading of this Privacy Policy for Companies, attaching a photocopy of your identity document, in order to exercise the following rights:

Right of Access:

You have the right to obtain from ParaTi confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned, the recipients to whom the personal data is disclosed, and the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, among other information.

Right of rectification and erasure:

You have the right to obtain from ParaTi the erasure of personal data concerning him or her where one of the legal grounds applies, among other reasons when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was gathered. The User also has the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her.

Right to restriction of processing, right to withdraw consent and right to object, totally or partially, to processing:

In certain circumstances (for example, in the event that the applicant refutes the inaccuracy of his or her data for as long as the accuracy is verified), ask for the restriction of the processing of his or her personal data, which will then only be processed for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

It also has the right to withdraw the consent granted and to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her which is based on the legitimate interest of ParaTi. In this case, ParaTi will no longer process the personal data unless it demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing.

Right to data portability:

You will have the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from ParaTi, in the cases foreseen in the regulations to this effect.


When personal data are transferred outside the European Union, you have the right to be informed about how to access them or to obtain a copy of the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.

Likewise, you may file a complaint regarding the protection of your personal data with the Spanish Data Protection Agency at the address C/ Jorge Juan 6, 28001 - Madrid, when the interested party considers that ParaTi has violated the rights recognized by the applicable data protection regulations.



The User guarantees that he/she is over eighteen (18) years old and that the data he/she provides to ParaTi is true, exact, complete and up-to-date. To this effect, the user is responsible for the veracity of all the data he or she communicates and will keep the information provided properly updated, in such a way that it corresponds to his or her real situation.

Likewise, it guarantees that it has informed the third parties of which it provides its data, if it does so, of the aspects contained in this document. Likewise, you guarantee that you have obtained their authorization to provide your data to ParaTi for the purposes indicated.

In any case, the User will be responsible for false or inaccurate information provided through the Platform and for the damages, direct or indirect, that this causes to ParaTi or to third parties.



Finally, we inform you that ParaTi will process the Candidate's data at all times in an absolutely confidential manner and keeping the preceptive duty of secrecy with respect to the same, in compliance with the applicable regulations, adopting to this effect the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the safety of your data and to avoid its alteration, loss, unauthorized access or processing, taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risks.


9: Job simulation and CV parsing

Your profile data will be completed with the data obtained through the assessment of job simulation or the data you include corresponding to your CV, in order to be able to provide the main service of this website, although, in any case, you will be able to configure the privacy and activated alerts of your profile. You agree that you have read and understood the privacy policy.